

Jane’s Blog – Advent Week 3

How about that choir music at PLC this past Sunday??? Beautiful!! I had a slight advantage going into the service in that my husband brought the music rehearsal CD home a few weeks ago so he could learn his flute part. By far my favorite lyrics were, “Let us be joy to the world! Let […]

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Jane’s Blog – Advent, Week 2

On Sunday Pastor Greg asked the question, “Has trash taken residence in our souls?” I’ve been thinking about that since then in conjunction with this week’s Advent theme of “Repent.” I don’t know about you, but in my house trash has a way of getting out of control. Almost everything I use comes with a […]

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Jane’s Blog – Advent, Week 1

Have you heard the saying: “Forewarned is Forearmed”? According to a quick internet search the expression dates from the end of the 16th Century, and forearm is an archaic verb meaning “to arm in advance.”  I was reminded of it on Sunday when Pastor Greg spoke on Jesus’ words of warning about his second coming […]

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Jane’s Blog – The Story, Chapter 11

There’s a certain fascination with the story of David and Goliath, isn’t there? I’ve been thinking about it for a week now, and the Lord keeps bringing a couple of phrases from the story to my mind to think about in deeper ways. Here’s my list: 1)      1 Samuel 17:16: “For forty days the Philistine […]

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Jane’s Blog – The Story, Chapter 8

In case you haven’t noticed, in the back section of The Story there are some questions to think about for each chapter. In staff meeting on Tuesday, Pastor Sean chose this one: “Why does God often use weak and uncertain people like Gideon to do his work?” Among other answers, someone gave this one, “In […]

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Jane’s Blog – The Story, Chapter 6

It’s been my experience that when someone complains and whines, finds fault and never seems to be satisfied, there’s a something deeper going on. And usually, if you ask enough questions, you’ll find the root cause is fear – fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment. You name it, and fear is probably […]

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